There is nothing in my life that means more to me than my family. It seems I learn this lesson again each time a new grandchild comes into my life. Spending weeks taking care and helping with that new grandchild had its benefits and its drawbacks. The benefits were the blessings that come from rocking that child in the middle of the night and trying to program that little mind to believe I really am a cool Grandma:) The drawback was coming home and being very lonesome for him and my other children and grandchildren.
There was a time I believed parents who whined about their children moving away needed to grow up. Now I have grown up and I am whining about my children being far away. There were many years when I promised myself I would never move back to Utah because the way I perceived the mentality of the members there really bugged me. But the words of my Mother have come clearly into my mind over the last few months. She always said, "It is a tradeoff wherever you go. There is something better and something not as good wherever you choose to live--so bloom where you are planted." I didn't think I could bloom in Utah but I know there are good things that probably outweigh anything else--real or perceived. I find myself saying lately, "Well maybe it wouldn't be so bad to live in Utah closer to our grandkids."'
The problem is that as Richard would say, "If some of us is gonna eat some of us is gonna work!" And therein lies the problem. How do you get a good job equal to what you already have when you are 61? You hope for a miracle!!
The photos below are my favorite from Utah. And you notice they are all family.
I love how Cash seemed to make it into every single picture!!! Grandma doesn't love Cash at all!
Soon it will be Kai making it into every photo. Is that how you spell his name?
OK...I admit it. You have a handsome family and lots of cute grandkids. Can't wait until our first grandson gets here in July. I have already done my first "grandfatherly" thing. Karent old me about a little shop that sells WSU outfits. So...........he already has a little pair of sweat pants, sweatshirt and booties, all with the WSU logo on them.
Thanks for sharing the pics.
Great update, Sharon. It was so fun having you here, even though we didn't get together that much, but just knowing you were close was the best. I don't see how any grandmother could beat you out--you have a real knack for the job.
Utah has been known to have a flower bloom everynow and than here...........I swore that I would not end up in Utah.....Well here I am stuck and not wanting out and for the exact reason your thinking you want in. Come on down!!!!
I love seeing the pics of Cash and everyone. Good job getting them posted for us all to see.
How do you think I am going to have SEVERAL of my own soon???!!!!!!
I think you are a very cute 61 year old. It was fun to see you in Idaho. Cash is such a cute baby, who could resist putting him in every picture?
hi! this is brittany (sharp)! i saw nalani's page from my sister tami's and then saw you had one too! i wanted to stop by and sa hello! you guys all look so great! --and happy! we have a blog too if you wanna peek!
good seeing you!
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