Friday, October 17, 2008

We're Still Here****

It is the middle of October rapidly moving to the end and we are still in Redmond. Here is the latest.

We dropped the house price and we seem to be having a spike of people coming through. We have lots that have come back a second time and many who are too nervous to live where their backyard backs up to 104th because they are afraid of road noise. I told Richard that is so funny because it never occured to me when we moved in that noise would be a problem. There really isn't a lot because we have A/C and never open the windows. Anyway it was a surprise to know that was an obstacle.

Maile has been here the last couple of days and I love it when she comes because she gets so much work done for me. We put a couple more finishing touches on the decor of the house and then went Christmas shopping at Kohl's where they were having a huge sale. We managed to get something for every grandchild and good old Maile got them all wrapped. For some odd reason though when I went to the closet where all my Christmas wrap, bows, ribbon etc. had been it was gone. HMMMM--either garage or Utah and I had a mini meltdown. I even said sort of a little swear word. I can just say I am really tired of living this way. Everything I need seems to either be in the middle of the garage (know way am I findind it there) or in Utah.

SOOO--we went to Costco and bought wrap but I didn't have mini meltdown about ribbon, tags, etc. until after we went to Costco because I didn't know it was gone. So I still have to do ribbon and tags but the hard part is done.

I am also learning to accept the fact that there is going to be a grandchild along the way that definitely prefers Grandpa over Grandma. That would be Cannon. If Dad is pounding on something Cannon is pounding. If Dad is eating so is Cannon. He even talked Grandpa into laying on the Love Sac with him tonight to watch Baby Einstein videos. I had to take a couple of photos that I will post.

Here is some good news. Provo Craft people called and want Richard to come down for an interview and a tour through their facilities the first week in November. Everybody say your prayers and cross your fingers. I am serious.

We are still working on the settlement with Grange. Our attorney is awesome but the wheels of justice work slow and I think they work even slower when you have a former boss who is determined to make it work as slow as possible. We will get through it though. It really is funny when I look at what we bring in on unemployment and how we always write the first check out for tithing and we make it through.

I haven't posted since Hawaii but I have to say Dad and I had the time of our lives. After everybody left Kami and Ben and Kai went with Dad and I to Kaui and it was awesome and so beautiful. If I can sort out some photos from that I will post them sometime soon. When we got back to Oahu we rented a convertible and had so darn much fun. It was hard to come back to reality.

Well it is 9:30 and that is just way past my bedtime and YW Stake Volleyball starts in the morning so I have to get up at the crack of 7:00. I hate that on a Saturday. Oh wait, I hate that any day of the week!

In case anybody wants to know--there is an advertisement with "Cheap Tickets" for flights from Seattle to Honolulu through United Airlines for $326. I had my finger on the "Submit" button when Richard pulled me away from the computer!

Two grandsons that do love Grandpa and want to be in the middle of everything:)

Three of the cutest boys in my life.

It didn't take a lot of coaxing to get Grandpa to watch Einstein videos with Cannon. It was the only time all day he got to sit down.

A great start of my Christmas gift buying. Which one is for you? Only Maile knows!!


Kami said...

What was that about cheap tickets to Hawaii??? I guess I shouldn't mention that Ben is leaving for another week or two for training and I'm going to be oh so lonesome! Any takers??? Does it apply to last minute deals???

Meridith O. said...

Where can I get a Maile to come to my house and buy all my Christmas presents and wrap them and decorate my house? I would pay anything to have her around!!!

Carl and Pat said...

She can come to ours too...Christmas shopping is one of my least favorite things to do when I can't figure out what to buy...

Richard and Sharon said...

That is what is so fun about Maile. She always knows what to buy. She should seriously be a personal shopper. I love it when she helps me:)